Seagate Error Rate Calculator

The SMART error rate value on a Seagate drive has always been confusing.

You often see large RAW numbers on these entries, and may start to wonder if the drive is dead.

This calculator helps you to understand how to interpret it correctly.

1. Let's start with the RAW value of the error rate.

It should look like 130348226 or 000007C4F4C2, depending on the software you use.


2. Let's convert the numbers





The left 4 digits ({{hex_num_show}}) are the numerator, and the right 8 digits ({{hex_den_show}}) are the denominator.

3. Then calculate the error rate

True Error Rate

Or 1 error every {{error_interval}} operations.

No errors were ever seen.

(SMART value)

You'll likely see 100 because there has been too few operations recorded. It will be updated once you reach 1 million operations.

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This project is inspired by the projects above.

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